About us
SwNAP (South Wales network of acute pain teams) is a collaborative, initiative of the acute pain teams working more closely with each other, to raise the standards of acute pain management in South Wales. SwNAP includes the multidisciplinary pain teams of Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB, Aneurin Bevan LHB, Cardiff and Vale UHB, Cwm Taf UHB and Hywel Dda LHBs. Healthcare professionals from all disciplines, involved in acute pain management, are welcome to participate and contribute.
To promote discussion and dissemination of good practice in acute pain management throughout South Wales.
To promote highest standard of acute pain management through collaboration between different pain teams.
To strengthen links and communication between different pain teams of South Wales.
To support professional development, teaching and training of medical / non medical staff and students.
Bridge the gap between national pain societies' (including BPS and WPS) recommendations and the individual health boards’ policies.
To encourage and coordinate research in the areas relevant to acute pain management.