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Abstract Submission Guidance:


You are invited to submit an abstract for poster presentations at the SwNAP Conference, on 22nd May 2024.
If you have worked on a research/ quality improvement / audit project or have an interesting clinical case related to inpatient pain management, submit an abstract for a chance to showcase a poster of your work to a multidisciplinary audience.

The competition is open to all healthcare professionals.
1st prize: £TBC
2nd prize: £TBC
3rd prize:

How to enter:
• Submit a copy of your abstract, as an attachment to (email TBC)

by 22nd May 2024 or by clicking on above link.
• Presenting author will need to book a place on the event in order to display their poster. If presenting
author is unable to attend, a co-author may present the poster. If no authors are able to attend, please contact us

Abstracts must include:
abstract title
all authors’ initials, last names and place where work was carried out

Poster Preparation Guidelines:
Authors selected to display a poster at the event must present their research in greater detail than in the abstract and should not simply reproduce the text contained in the abstract. There is no limit on figures/pictures/tables in the poster.

Poster format:
A0 size
• portrait (vertical) orientation
• posters should contain no more than 750 words, including title, authors and references
• professionally printed onto a single sheet.
Posters must include:
• references; listed and cited as specified by the British Journal of Anaesthesia
• a caption if a figure or picture or table is used
• acknowledgement of sources of funding
• the following statement (if applicable and true): “This study received ethics committee approval or was
conducted under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act (1986) (include licence numbers) or equivalent”
• a content structure that progresses through: title, authors, institution, methods, results, conclusion,
acknowledgements and references.

Other information:
• authors will need to bring the poster with them on the day of the event
• at the end of the event, authors must collect their poster from the display board.
• the presenting author will receive a certificate of presentation for producing and presenting a poster.

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